Advisory Council
Mission Statement
The mission of the Scientific Technical Services (SciTech) Advisory Council is to provide support, advice, and guidance to SciTech. The advisory council should be sure that SciTech activities are guided by the departments that are users of SciTech’s services and should ensure visibility of SciTech services and activities. The advisory council should be an advocate for SciTech, supporting and promoting SciTech while providing advice and direction for best practices and efficient operation. Members of the advisory council are expected to report back to their various colleges and or constituencies about activities in SciTech, and to seek input from constituents about their needs for SciTech services. The intent is to be sure SciTech is providing high quality services that meet faculty, staff, and student needs and that departments, colleges, and the campus community are aware of the role SciTech can play in supporting their teaching, research, and day to day needs for instrumentation, and the design, manufacture, and repair of equipment.
User Groups
In addition to the council, STS has several user groups to provide technique-specific advice: current list of groups and their membership. Typically, these groups meet about once per quarter. If you wish to join a group, please contact Steven Emory.
Council Charge & Meeting Minutes
Council Membership
- Manuel Montaño Environmental Science (Chair)
- Nick Galati Biology
- Don Burgess Woodring College of Education
- Nathan Robey (CHSS Health and Human Development)
- Sean Mulcahy Geology
- Peng Gao Engineering & Design
- Mike Larsen Chemistry
- Sarina Kiesser Scientific Technical Services (Instrument Center)
- Joshua Kaplan Behavioral Neuroscience
- Milton From Physics/Astronomy
- Alia Khan College of the Environment (Environmental Science)
- Jason Bryenton Scientific Technical Services (Shops)
- Kathryn Sobocinski Graduate School (College of the Environment)
- David Rider AMSEC (Chemistry)