Guide for New Users

Getting Started

Welcome to SciTech!  We hope we are able to assist you in whatever your goals may be. To get started there are a few steps you will need to take:

  1. SciTech equipment and facilities require that new users be assisted or trained by SciTech staff.  For assistance, please contact the designated staff member from the Instrument Contacts table below.
  2. Create a FOM account by following the link: register for a FOM account. Request one or more instruments you wish to be trained to use.
  3. Review the SciTech User Agreement with your advisor.
  4. Ensure proper safety trainings and esign form have been completed.
  5. Email the designated staff member for the instrument of interest to schedule your initial training session.


SciTech provides training for instrumentation and selected shop equipment to interested individuals or groups in support of classroom, teaching, and research activities. Training is provided to faculty, staff, and students involved in ongoing research projects using the Instrument Center facilities. Training is also available for graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants who use instrumentation in instructional laboratories. Contact personnel from the appropriate division for more information.